I made this card for my former manager, friend, and mentor. She loved wolves, and she'd been talking for weeks about wanting a nice snow globe for Christmas. I knew right away what I wanted to make her for Christmas this year, and I set to work planning it: a winter wolf snow globe shaker card.
I'd never made a shaker card before, but I was so excited to try. I'd
spent a lot of time planning this card and I was so excited to give it
to her. I'd given her handmade cards the past two Christmases (her
favorite holiday) and she just loved them. I wanted this one to be extra
I mentioned very briefly in my last post that I've been going through a bit of a rough time lately.
I was, unfortunately, unable to ever give her this card.
She ended her life before I was able to arrange to give it to her.
I'm completely devastated. She meant a lot to me, and I owe so much to her. I wouldn't have my horse Wrangler without her encouragement and support. She'd done so much for me over the years. Everything I know, I owe to her.
I can't handle moving past this loss and staying at my current job, it's too painful for me. So today is my last day of employment at the animal hospital. I don't have another job lined up right now, which is pretty scary for me. We'll have to see where life takes you from here.
Even if we're not close or I don't know you at all, I'm willing to talk if you ever need someone. Suicide is a terrible, horrible thing. You are all worthy of love. If you're ever struggling, feel free to get in touch with me.
I'm always willing to talk, and it's never a burden.
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